Kansas City Football and Cheerleading, Inc.
Flag football is all about agility, quick thinking, and teamwork. One drill that effectively combines these elements is the "Cross the River" drill. This fun and engaging exercise helps defenders practice flag pulling while challenging offensive players to improve their evasive running skills.
In this drill, three players work together in a designated “river” area marked by two cones spaced 10 yards apart. One player serves as the offensive runner, trying to cross the river without having their flag pulled by the two defenders.
This drill not only hones flag-pulling skills but also fosters teamwork and strategic thinking. Incorporating "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" into your practice sessions can significantly enhance players' on-field performance. For a visual instruction on how this drill works, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMi8VioQuEM Source: MOJO Sports. “Flag Football Drills: Cross the River" Youth Sports Coaching | MOJO Sports. Accessed August 13, 2024. https://get.mojo.sport/.
Office: 15030 W. 106th St Lenexa KS 66215 Complex: Heritage Park Football 162nd & Pflumm Olathe KS, Weather Line: 913-800-5590 Ext 12 for Heritage Park All Fields